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We provide all diagnostic services and we all
best known for our quality services

We Take Care Of Your
Healthy Health

We are providing total

Healthcare Solutions.

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Mimply dummy text of the printing typesetting ipsum
dolor onsecte dipiscing.

We provide all diagnostic services and we all
best known for our quality services

We Take Care Of Your
Healthy Health

We are providing total

Healthcare Solutions.

Welcome To The Dr. Datta's Clinic Diagnostic Center

Dr. Datta's Clinic, nestled in Chandannagar, stands as a beacon of premier diagnostic services. Renowned for its excellence, the clinic offers a spectrum of top-tier facilities, including advanced ultrasound imaging and more. With a commitment to precision and patient-centric care, Dr. Datta's Clinic is dedicated to providing cutting-edge diagnostics, ensuring comprehensive and reliable healthcare solutions for all.


Our Diagnostic Facilities

CT Scan

CT-Guided FNAC

Digital X-Ray

Why Choose Us

What’s Our Speciality

Need a Doctor for Check-up?

just make an appointment & you're done!

Working Process

How it helps you stay Healthy

Comfortable Care

Serving Comfortability to the Patients before Tests


We provide expert consultation for better health

Highest Quality

No Compromisation can be done with your health

Top Technology

Using technology with 100% Accuracy


Years of Experience


Medical Specialist


Modern Rooms


Happy Patients


Our Latest News